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CFP: Journal of Software: Practice and Engineering (SPE): Special Issue on Big Data and Cloud of Things (CoT)
Journal of Software: Practice and Engineering (SPE): Special Issue on Big Data and Cloud of Things (CoT) Guest Editors: Rajiv Ranjan, Lizhe Wang, Prem Prakash Jayaraman, Karan Mitra, Dimitrios Georgakopoulos Edited by: Rajkumar Buyya and R. Nigel Horspool Cloud computing and Internet of Things (IoT) are two technologies that are already becoming part of our […]
Solving problem with CISCO VPN client
Follow this link – http://support.uakron.edu/wiki/index.php/Cisco_VPN_Client#Error_2738_on_Windows_Vista
Discretization of MOS based on the Table B.1/G.107 – Provisional guide for the relation between R-value and user satisfaction
=IF(“cellval”<2.58,1,IF(“cellval”<3.1,2,IF(“cellval”<3.6,3,IF(“cellval”<4.03,4,IF(“cellval”>4.34,5))))). Replace “cellval” with MOS ratings obtained using the ITU-T G.107 recommendation (2009 tested).
Commands for pjsua
Machine 1: ./pjsua-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu –play-file female.wav –auto-play –auto-answer 200 –duration=15 Machine 2: ./pjsua-i686-pc-linux-gnu –auto-rec –rec-file=bharat.wav
Tools to convert a BN from GeNIe to BNT
I tested the Bayesian Networks Format Converter today with my test Bayesian network which was created using GeNIe. It only seems to work with BN saved as a .net extension. Once the .bif file is converted, I used the BIF-BNT converter to convert it to the BNT format. It doesn’t work out of the box. […]